Are you stuck in a trench?
When we walk the same route day after day, we begin to wear a path in the dirt. Eventually this path is so deeply worn that it becomes a trench, making it nearly impossible to see another route over the high edges of the embankment. We often get so caught up in the day-to-day requirements of the workplace that the entire company ends up in a trench and struggles to see creative, engaging, and exciting new ways to innovate and build new pathways forward. Routine and habit create the path of least resistance, often walling us in from change and blocking progress.
Did you know that according a Harvard Business study, 95% of employees do not know their companies strategies and plans. As much as it can be daunting to take a day away from the daily grind and dedicate it towards strategic growth, it is vital for ensuring your employees know your vision, and see themselves as an important part of achieving it. Group planning sessions are where real progress is made. Employees must all be moving in the same direction for a company reach it’s goals.
Companies with written business plans grow 30% faster (Journal of Management Studies)
Companies in poor alignment with their strategy report weaker financial results than their peers (Economist)
Companies offering professional development programs have 34% higher employee retention rates (Bankrate)
Does your company’s growth feel like it’s plateaued? Do you feel stuck in day-to-day operations? Do you struggle to recall the goals and plans you made at your last group planning session? If this sounds like your workplace, then you may be stuck in a trench. Act now and book routine team building and group planning sessions in order to build a path out of the trench by actively committing to a new path forward!

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