Meet Fitzgerald!
Fitzgerald is Knight School Inc's very own therapy dog. He is certified and insured for both visitation and assisted therapy canine services. Today we wanted to share a little bit more about him!

About Fitz!
Fitzgerald (or Fitz for short) is a 3 year old Maltese dog. He weighs around 5lbs! He is absolutely the sweetest and happiest little pup ever. Fitz loves to play with his cat brother, Hemingway, snuggle with his dad for naps, or walk on the beach - although his little legs get tired quickly, so he also enjoys being carried for longer walks on the beach!

What does a "visiting" therapy dog do?
Fitzgerald is dual certified and insured as both an assisted and visiting therapy dog. A visiting therapy dog means that Fitz is able to travel with his handler (Jaclyn) to hospitals and other care facilities in order to provide comfort to people. Studies show that time spent with affectionate animals can significantly improve mental health, physical health, and reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.

What does an "assisted" therapy dog do?
An assisted therapy dog can accompany his/her handler to their work. This means that Fitz can go with Jaclyn to teach clinics, courses, and first aid sessions. He has been specially trained to work alongside Jaclyn to provide compassion, support, and create a positive and welcoming learning environment.

How do I get Fitz at my next event?
Fitzgerald is available to be added to almost any educational clinic that Knight School Inc offers. He is also available for visitation sessions! To book, please email Jaclyn at
- Jaclyn Ziemniak & Joshua Knowles
(& Fitzgerald)