Medieval Fun Fact Time!
Have you heard the term “freelance” before?
According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary the term “freelance” means “a person who pursues a profession without a long-term commitment to any one employer.” Did you know that this term actually comes from knighthood?!The term “freelance” historically referred to a medieval mercenary, or a knight for hire. Any knight who was not restricted by sworn allegiances was “free” to offer his “lance” (military support) to whoever paid the most for his services. Just like a modern “freelance photographer brings his skills and equipment to shoot an event the “freelance” knight would bring his skills, armour, warhorse, and lance to the “event,” where it was usually time to “get medieval”.
In fact, the term was used by Sir Walter Scott in “Ivanhoe” in 1819 to describe Italian and French mercenaries as “Free Lances” who offered their services to wealthy landowners !

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