Knight School Inc is currently accepting clients within 50km (1 direction) of Milton, Ontario, Canada. Limited training spots are available for horses and their riders for the winter season. We are a collaborative training service with a horse-first and trust-based learning system. A fully mobile service, we come to you and train both you and your horse at your current barn. Please contact us asap as we have very limited space this winter.
What we offer:
• We use classical and historical riding techniques with a focus on biomechanics.
• Our horse-first mentality requires the owner to attend some (not all) training sessions, as the ultimate goal is for the rider to be the best they can be for their horse. This is not accomplished with traditional siloed training methods. We teach you to be your horse's trainer moving forward.
• Our trust-based training is rooted in science, how horses actually think, move and function. We opt for clear, consistent communication and avoid flooding, learned helplessness, dangerous or risky techniques.
• Fully insured; First Aid and CPR certified.• References available.

What we do not offer:
• We do not offer a discipline-specific focus
• We are not focused on sales
• We are not a “quick fix” or “tune up” service
We believe strong foundations work to prevent injuries and promote a long, healthy life, so we are best suited to the following (or similar) scenarios:
• Aging horses (16yrs+) who need to develop a strong back end and topline in order to promote longer soundness in to and during older age
• Younger horses (4yrs+) who need a strong foundation in understanding how to work from their back end and carry themselves correctly
• New owners that need support in getting started on the right foot, with both functional and theoretical education
• Gentle re-starts of horses who have had significant time off or have had unproductive backing/breaking previously
• Riders looking to better understand how they affect their horse and looking to work towards a stronger bond with a better long-lasting relationship

If this sounds like what you and your horse are looking for, please message us or email to see if we might be the right fit for your winter training. We can easily accommodate clients within the Milton-Puslinch-Guelph-Rockwood area and may travel further for the right fit. Contact us today to begin building a better future with your horse!