Advancing Medieval Mounted Games

Advancing Medieval Mounted Games (AMMG) (3 hours) This clinic is for those who have completed the Intro to MMG clinic and are interested in advancing their skills. Advancing classes, as the name would imply, work at advancing your skills. Once again, we work at the speed of the participants, with those confident in basic skills working towards mastery. New games and skills will be added as horse and rider pairs demonstrate the ability to safely progress.

Session may include:

  • Refining skills learned in IMMG clinic
  • Quintain (w/ and w/o shield)
  • Mounted Sword – “Head Chop”
  • Mounted Lance & Shield
  • Rings (Big & Little)
  • Flags
  • Relay
  • Light Armor Jousting

** All Advancing MMG clinic participants must have an intermediate riding level, with a solid grasp of walk, trot, canter, turning, and, of course, stopping. During this clinic we will be adding new movements to these basic foundational skills.  **

You may register for an Advancing MMG Clinic ONLY if you have:

  • Previously attended a Knight School Inc. Into MMG clinic at any location.
  • Attended a morning Into MMG clinic during a 2 part all day clinic.

Both Intro and Advancing Clinics may be scheduled for one day, but we generally recommend students space out the training as becoming a Knight is multifaceted and intensive. Attending both clinics in one day is not for the faint of heart and requires a high level of physical endurance, but as always, we work at the speed our pairs are comfortable with and can take breaks to accommodate any mental or physical fatigue our human/equine partnerships may encounter

General Information for both Intro MMG & Advancing MMG:

  • Open to riders 16 and above.
  • Specialized clinics available for kids under 16.
  •  ALL riding disciplines welcome!
  • Maximum of 8 participants / session
  • Waiver must be signed prior to participation.
  • BYOH - Bring your own horse (or rent from the host facility)
  • All Riders must dress appropriately to participate!
  • Riding helmets are mandatory!

What to bring:
Your horse and tack, Riding Helmet, Gloves, Riding Boots, a packed lunch (unless provided by host), and dress appropriately for the weather. Please bring/drink lots of water!

Auditing: Join our mailing list to receive info about upcoming clinics - the more the…Medievaler?! Please come join us! If we have piqued your curiosity, we assure you that you will not be disappointed!

Please wear appropriate footwear, regardless of if you will be participating! No open toed shoes! Please wear boots for safety reasons.

We may also take some volunteers from our auditors to act as brave “Squires”, helping to ensure safety and learning through participation in true Medieval fashion. Come see what Knight life is all about!